Poster Instructions:

Portrait format only. 33 x 46 inches (84 x 118 cm)

SUNDAY 6th October 2024
12:30-01:45 pm

Poster session I

Poster #1/1 Loss of NOTCH1 Promotes Impaired Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Response to Hemodynamic Stress and Ascending Aortic Aneurysms
Ruth Ackah, The Ohio State University/Nationwide Children's Hospital, USA

Poster #2/1 Creation of iPSC-derived lymphatic endothelial cells for use in lymphedema regenerative therapy
Katherine Hekman, Emory University, USA

Poster #3/1 Alarmin S100A8/A9 drives histone methylation-based epigenetic alterations in blood- and bone marrow-derived leukocytes in acute myocardial infarction
Alexandra Gela Lazar, Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology Nicolae Simionescu, Romania

Poster #4/1 Therapeutic S100A8/A9 inhibition reduces NADPH oxidase expression and counteracts NLRP3 inflammasome priming and activation in the ischemic myocardium
Mihaela Loredana Vlad, Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology Nicolae Simionescu, Romania

Poster #5/1 Manuka Honey and its Phenolic Component, Methyl Syringate, Mediate Neutrophil Inflammatory Behaviors for Potential Use as a Vascular Prosthetic Bioactive
Evan Main, The University of Memphis, USA

Poster #6/1 Atypical melanocytes contribute to murine aortic valve elastogenesis
Perony da Silva Nogueira, Florida International University, USA

Poster #7/1 Enhanced Targeted Repair of Vascular Injury by Apoptotic-cell-Mimicking Nanovesicles
Engineered with P-Selectin Binding Peptide
Ruixin Zhang, China

Poster #8/1 Material properties and acute human blood exposure may predict limb graft occlusion in EVAR
Michael Wolf, Medtronic, USA

Poster #9/1 On the Role and Mechanisms of Notch Signaling in Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Cardiovascular Diseases
Daria Evensen, University of Oslo, Norway

Poster #10/1 Micropatterned surface investigation to reduce the risk of thrombus formation in cardiovascular devices
Marta Bonora, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #11/1 Surface modification with Adiponectin improves reendothelialization of synthetic small-diameter vascular grafts
Anna-Maria Schmitt, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #12/1 Salvianolic Acid A (SA) fosters lymphangiogenesis against myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury
Chen XU, Fudan University, China

Poster #13/1 Development of a new protective solution for vein grafts in bypass surgery
Tobias Braun, Paracelsus Medical University, Germany

Poster #14/1 In-vivo Evaluation of Biomimetic Vascular Grafts with Artery-Tuned Mechanical Properties
Kaspars Maleckis, University of Nebraska Omaha, United States

Poster #15/1 Reinforced Biotubes as Readily Available and Regenerative Vascular Grafts
Cheng Quhan, Nankai University, China

Poster #16/1 Complete Transformation of Bioresorbable Synthetic Vascular Grafts in the Common Carotid Artery
Anthony D'Amato, Cornell University, USA

Poster session II

Poster #1/2 aXess: Progress update on a restorative hemodialysis access vascular conduit
Martijn Cox, Xeltis BV, The Netherlands

Poster #2/2 Inhibition of mitochondrial complexes I and IV reduces vascular calcification
Andrea Gorgels, University Hospital Aachen, Deutschland

Poster #3/2 Exploring the Role of Caveolin-1 in the Calcification Paradox: Cellular Insights into Divergent Mineralization Pathways in Vascular and Bone Tissues
Katherine Kaiser, Florida International University, USA

Poster #4/2 EGFR inhibition prevents CAV1-dependent calcifying extracellular vesicle biogenesis in the vasculature at different time points both in vivo and in vitro
Xingyu Jiang, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Poster #5/2 Discovering the Effects of Cancer Cells on Lymphatic/Blood Vessel Mispatterning
Walter Murfee, University of Florida, USA

Poster #6/2 Acellular Tissue Engineered Vessels: Long-term Clinical Observations
Juan Wang, Humacyte, Inc., USA

Poster #7/2 Algorithm-Driven Optimization of Helical Vascular Grafts to Suppress Neointimal Hyperplasia in Arteriovenous Grafts
Boxin Liu, China

Poster #8/2 Creating order out of chaos – Modelling the influence of chronic inflammation on restoring cardiac structural anisotropy
Marjolein ten Dam, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands

Poster #9/2 Lymphatic and Tenascin C crosstalk in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy-Induced Cardiac Remodeling
Lukas Weber, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #10/2 Carnosine-copper chelator-modified small-diameter vascular grafts for the promotion of anticoagulation and endothelial regeneration
Shufang Wang, China

Poster #11/2 Simulated microvasculature in thick 3D bioprinted collagen-based matrices promoted in active perfusion bioreactor
Denisa Kaňoková, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Poster #12/2 Supporting Autologous Internal Jugular Vein Grafts with FRAME Mesh in a Porcine Carotid Artery Model
Jaroslav Chlupac, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Czech Republic

Poster #13/2 Relaxin Receptor Agonist ML290 Inhibits Calcification in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Ana Valentin, Florida International University, USA

Poster #14/2 A porcine model of controlled peripheral artery calcification
Alexey Kamenskiy, University of Nebraska Omaha, USA

Poster #15/2 Biomimetic Electrospun Tri-layer Tissue Engineered Heart Valve with Low Calcification and Good Regenerative Ability
Jing Liu, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, China

Poster #16/2 Bilayer small diameter vascular graft with dual anti-calcification property by loading with baicalin and cathepsin S inhibitor
Yanjiao Teng, Tianjin University, China

Poster #17/2 Self-EmPOWERment - Road to a Self-Powered, Intelligent Vascular Graft
Herbert MIDDLETON, i3S - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, Portugal (presented by Ines Goncalves)

Poster session III

Poster #1/3 High-resolution auxetic cardiac patches as a potential tool to support myocardium after infarct
Felix Pointner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #2/3 Radiation-Modulated Decellularized Pericardium Vascular Patches with Wharton's Jelly Stem Cells in a Porcine Carotid Artery Model
Jan Frank, Institute for clinical and experimental medicine, Czech Republic 

Poster #3/3 Modulating in vivo Long Term Remodeling Outcomes of a Polyurethane Based, Antithrombogenic Tissue Engineering Vascular Graft via Compliance Matching
Katarina Martinet, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Poster #4/3 Harnessing programmed cell death to guide in situ remodeling of human tissue-engineered matrices 
Pascal Breitenstein, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Poster #5/3 Tissue-engineered vascular grafts utilizing automated decellularization of allo- and xenogeneic pericardial and vascular tissues modified with collagen and stem cells 3D bioprinting
Roman Matějka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Poster #6/3 Go with the flow: on the way of advancing native blood vessels as energy harvesters
Ana Mendes, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Poster #7/3 Fabrication and Mechanical Characterization of Near-Field Electrospun Bioresorbable Vascular Grafts Mimicking the Arterial Extracellular Matrix
Alexandra Snyder, University of Memphis, USA

Poster #8/3 Promoting cell adhesion and regeneration in a 3D-printed cardiac patch via the human placenta chorion extracellular matrix
Christopher Riedmüller, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #9/3 The Tissue-Engineered, Pre-Vascularized Blood Vessel Wall Construct
Lucie Bačáková, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Poster #10/3 Biomimetic tri-layered small-diameter vascular grafts with decellularized extracellular matrix promoting vascular regeneration and inhibiting thrombosis with the salidroside
Yanjiao Teng, Tianjin University, China

Poster #11/3 Differential neutrophil deposition on synthetic versus biological scaffolds for in situ cardiovascular tissue engineering
Valentine Vetter, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Poster #12/3 Characterization of the inflammatory potential of different vascular graft materials
Sabrina Rohringer, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #13/3 Development of Vascular Patches with Reconstructed Tunica Media and Tunica Intima
Anna Bock, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Poster #14/3 Engineering bioadhesive polymer scaffolds to enhance extracellular matrix hydrogel vascular graft mechanics
Adam Midgley, Nankai University, China

Poster #15/3 Additively manufactured multimaterials with the elastic properties of human tissue
Erik Kornfellner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria (presented by Francesco Moscato)

Poster #16/3 Analysis of life quality parameters and circulating biomarkers in a prospective surgical aortic valve replacement study
Frida-Maria KAINZ, University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria

Poster session IV

Poster #1/4 Development of Autologous Tissue-Engineered Artificial Heart Valve for Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation
Yasushi Sato Asahikawa Medical University Japan

Poster #2/4 Small Biohybrid Valves and Scaffolds for Implant applications
Selina Sonntag, Department of Biohybrid & Medical Textiles (BioTex), Institute of Applied Medical Engineering, Helmholtz Institute (AME), RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Poster #3/4 Small-diameter Vascular Grafts with Tunable Compliance via Melt Electrowriting
Kilian Mueller, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Poster #4/4 Thrombus Characterization in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection Models Using Histology and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Niharika Narra, Purdue University, USA

Poster #5/4 Association between aortic mural thrombosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion: a possible mediating role played by TREM1+ neutrophils
Zongewi Liu, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, China

Poster #6/4 Thrombus Characterization in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection Models Using Histology and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Marissa Guo, Ohio State University, USA

Poster #7/4 Sex-dependent Differences in the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease Induced Cardiac Dysfunction
Valentina Dargam, Florida International University, USA

Poster #8/4 Characterization of the immune response and in vivo remodeling of a new generation of allogeneic Cell-Assembled extracellular Matrix after subcutaneous implantation in sheep
Julien Vitry, Inserm, France

Poster #9/4 Non-invasive electrophysiological evaluation of new-onset atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: Preliminary results from the BigMap Study
David Santer, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Poster #10/4 The Solution is Dilution: Parabiosis of WT to LYST Mutant Improves TEVG Performance
Delaney Villarreal, Nationwide Children's Hospital, USA

Poster #11/4 Powering the Future: Sputtering Technique for Superior Flu-TENG Performance
Ana Catarina Almeida, Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), Portugal (presented by Ines Goncalves)

Poster #12/4 Durable immunomodulatory nanofiber niche for the functional remodeling of cardiovascular tissue
Tonghe Zhu, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Poster #13/4 Development of a simple same-day implantation technique for allogeneic in vivo tissue-engineered vascular grafts to be completed in the operating room
Keiichi Kanda, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan

Poster #14/4 Tissue analysis core (TAC) capabilities at the center for cardiovascular research in biomechanics (CRIB)
Anastasia Desyatova, University of Nebraska Omaha, USA

Poster #15/4 Demographics and clinical relevance of animal models in haemodialysis research: a systematic review
Merle Krebber, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands

Poster #16/4 Advancements and Challenges in Cardiovascular Health and Translational Innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Daria Ler, ASA Institute for Research, Development and Innovation, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Poster #17/4 GO-Graft: From Hydrogel to Anti-Adhesive Vascular Graft for Bypass Surgery
Andreia PEREIRA, i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, Portugal (presented by Ines Goncalves)

Poster #18/4 Graphene Oxide: A Masterpiece for Enhancing Decellularized Tissue Applications in Cardiac Regeneration
Andreia PEREIRA, i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, Portugal (presented by Ines Goncalves)